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This course was developed with the intent on helping Crestron professionals learn and master their SIMPL# Pro skills by building up intuition and good habits. We start from the ground and work our way up through the different topics, which were carefully chosen based on our past few years of experience developing systems in SIMPL# Pro.
- Lesson 1: ControlSystem Class Overview
- Lesson 2: Helpful References
- Lesson 3: SIMPL# Pro Hierarchy
- Lesson 4: Device Registration
- Lesson 5: Signal Types
- Lesson 6: Sig Groups
- Lesson 7: SmartGraphics Device Definitions
- Lesson 8: Handling Device Ports
- Lesson 9: Designing Reusable Components
- Lesson 10: One Level Up – MVP (Passive View)
- Lesson 11: Unit Testing
- More coming soon…
- All course projects are included as downloads.
- Quizzes are enabled to test students on the topics along the way.
- Descriptions and resources for further learning are also linked to a few of the lessons.
Recommended: 4-6 weeks of learning the material provided throughout the course.
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